Fact Sheet

Statistics for Tuberculosis, Nationwide, CitizenDate of Registration

Notification Date of Most Recent Case 2024/04/22
Week 16/2024 (Cumulative Cases of Previous Week) 75
Week 17/2024 (Cumulative Cases of Current Week) 2
Month 04/2024 (Cumulative Cases of Current Month) 239
Year 2024 (Cumulative Cases of Current Year) 1569
Year 2023(Last Year) 6630
(Calculation Week) - (Average of Previous 3 Weeks) (Number of Cases) △2
(Calculation Week) - (Average of The Same Period During The Previous 3 Years) (Number of Cases) △17.33
Cumulative Deaths of Current Year 143
  1. The period for this query is from 2023/01/01 to 2024/04/27
  2. Data as of 每日中午,Current Weekis Week 17/2024,Current Monthis Month 4/2024。
  3. The numbers in the table represent the cases of tuberculosis, including tuberculosis of all form, MDR-TB, smear-negative TB and extra-pulmonary TB.
  4. The number of deaths are deaths of persons whose primary causu of death is tuberculosis. The classification of the cause of deaths is proccessed in accordance with the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  5. Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease. Some of the cases require 2-3 months for culture confirmation. Therefore, the calculation of the changes in the number of cases is according to the cases per calculation week, which is the number of cases for the previosu 12 weeks prior to the date of query.
  6. The results of queries are generated automatically. Data may be subject to change without prior notice.
  7. The cumulative annual number of cases is calculated according to year of onset.